Poster submissions still accepted

Email your poster submission to

Abstract themes:

  • Glycoanalysis
  • Glycobiology
  • Glycochemistry

Presentation types

  • Oral – 15-20 minute presentations + five (5) Q&A (timings pending on final programme)
  • Poster only – Posters will be displayed in the exhibition and catering area.
  • Poster + speed talk – Posters will be presented in conjunction with a 3 minute short presentation. These concise and efficient talks are intended to grab the attention of the audience and to convey key information

Abstracts will be considered for oral, poster only and poster + speed talk presentations; if the presenting author wants the abstract to be considered for an oral presentation, please indicate by ticking the relevant box. The programme committee will select oral presentations from the submitted abstracts based on relevance, novelty, quality, and fit to the symposiums' programme.

Key dates

  • Submission closed on Friday 31 May 2024
  • Notification of acceptance into the programme on Wednesday 12 June 2024
  • Early bird registration closes Friday 5 July 2024